Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Medicate or Not Medicate

Well we're at the cross-roads of whether or not to medicate our son to help him with the ADHD which his Dr. feels may also help diminish the Asperger symptoms. We've tried to avoid medication this whole time but it may be time to give it a try. In speaking with a friend recently, she gave some advice to me that she received from her son's psychologist when confronted with the same situation. She said "you wouldn't deny your child of having to get eyeglasses if that's what they needed to function normally would you? Then why deny them a medication to help them?" I felt this was the most perfect analogy I have encountered up to this point.

Right now we've had his teacher fill out some Q&A forms as did my wife and I. We've handed these over to his pediatrician who will advise accordingly upon her review of the Q&A forms. I feel that we can at least try the meds to see if it has any impact. We can always stop. I know there are many skeptics out there who will plead their cases of changing my son's diet etc. The diet concept works great on paper, but in real life, (at least in our case) is not possible. Our son is too picky and he would most likely starve himself to death rather than eating certain foods.

I'll keep you updated on the outcome of the medication scenario.


1 comment:

Laura Benedict said...

My son is ADHD (as am I) and has been diagnosed with many Asperger's characteristics. He's ten. We also had a hard time trying to decide whether to medicate or not. Finally, we did. Because I've taken Adderall before, I knew how it affected me. (I don't take it when I'm writing regularly because it takes the edge off my creativity.) Our son only gets 5 mg each school morning, or if he's in a summer camp situation. I've had the opportunity to observe him at school and have seen that the difference in his ability to focus is incredible. We talk about the medication frequently, and he always has the choice to stop. But he says it really helps him concentrate at school and would rather take it. He's also had a huge reduction in the tantrum department and an increase in his confidence level.

For what it's worth....Good luck. I know it's a tough call.

Hope your boys enjoy their upcoming birthdays!